Challenge Week Six: Media And A Memory

American Girl Doll

When I was little, I just couldn’t do without my American girl doll. It was one of my most treasured toys of my child hood.

The American girl doll had beautiful hair, a variety of clothes in different colors and patterns,
and she had pretty bright blue, shiny eyes with eyelashes that went on for miles. While I played with her, I felt like it was my best friend and she always listened to me. The American girl doll was my favorite toy of my childhood. I don’t know what I would do without her.

Without it, I wouldn’t having anything to do with my cousin when we were younger. When ever we had a sleep over I would always bring my American girl doll .Then we would dress them up and play with them. I will always remember the great memories I had with my American girl doll.


4 thoughts on “Challenge Week Six: Media And A Memory

  1. I too had many American girl dolls as a kid I still have them too I think the are in the attic though. I loved to dress them up in different outfits. I also played with American girl dolls with my cousin I remember I would pack a whole suitcase full of the dolls and their clothes whenever we went to boston to visit her. I love the picture it’s a really good picture. I was wondering what doll that is? Keep up the good work! Please visit my blog at

  2. I loved American girl dolls also. I had like 4 of them. It was so fun to dress them up and play with them! This is a great piece of writing! Nice job!

  3. LOVE IT!! I always loved my American girl dolls, even today I passed them on to my little sister so we still have them. Every time I walk into her room I get to se their pretty faces.

  4. My daughter had an American Girl doll, too. We gave her one with coloring that matched hers, and I’ll bet your own doll looked like you. That was part of the fun of the American Girl world!

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