
Beauty and the Beast by Walt Disney Animations

In Beauty and the Beast, Belle shows compassion for the Beast by being nice to him, even though he is mean to everyone. She tries to find the good in him. When she finds his good side, she tries to tell everyone that he really is nice on the inside. They need to not focus on what he looks like on the outside, but look deep down and they will find he truly is a nice guy. Everyone just thinks he is mean because he captured her, but as she is kind to him, he shows her that he truly is warm-hearted. Nobody let him show that side before, because they always treated him like a ferocious beast.

The Time I Got Stung by a Bee

Standing in the sizzling, summer, sun
Tiny droplets of lake water slowly trickling down my face

Having the time of my life
Nothing could stop me

Then it hit me

A bee has just stung me
My eyes begin to fog up
Tears trickle down my cheeks

A bee has stung me

The fun has stopped


Why Friends are Forever

“That’s not true you’re a beautiful girl!”, friend one exclaimed. “Well, so-and-so doesn’t agree with that”, friend two responded. “Well, don’t listen to so-and-so, they’re wrong!” friend one stated. “Ok, thanks for cheering me up!”, friend two replied. Friends are forever and always.

When someone is bullying you, or you are having a bad day, friends help cheer you up and make you feel a whole lot better. For example, if a bully tells you that you’re stupid, your friends explain to you that it’s not true. That you shouldn’t listen to them, and what they said is not true. It makes you feel so much better.

When you’re going through personal issues, your friend supports you and helps give you advice to make the right desicion. For example, when you struggle with disappointing your friend because you like a guy that they don’t like. A true friend will be honest and tell you they don’t like him, but they will tell you in a nice way so they don’t hurt your feelings. They will also tell you that they will still be your friend no matter what you decide to do.

Friends help you make the right decision and help you get through rough times in your life. Even though you may move on to new places later on in life, your friends will help you grow stronger along the way.Therefore this is why friends are forever and always.

Why Dance is Freedom

5…6…7…8 my teacher counts us off and then we are off and smiling for days and adding our style and attitude, dance is the freedom of style and emotions.

When I am sad or having a bad day I want school to be over so I can go to dance to cheer me up. For example when I have had a lot of tests or quiz’s that day I like to freely show my emotion and feeling through my dancing, especially lyrical. because, when

There are so many different types of dance so, you can freely choose to be sassy, sad, fierce or graceful. For example when I am tap dancing I still do the steps we are supposed to do but, I add my own sass, unlike ballet where I am more graceful and focused on detail.

Dancing really helps me be me and not who people tell me to be. Therefore that’s why dance is freedom.


Cooking Show

One lazy afternoon on a Saturday my friend Miranda and I decided to make our own cooking show. We gathered up all the ingredients and set up the camera. Three…. Two… One… The camera began to do its magic.

To begin the show we squished the brownie bites with our hands, freshly washed. Then PLOP goes the brownie in to the white creamy milk. Then as we carefully spooned out the big chocolatey chunks of brownie bites, milk began to slowly trickle from the spoon.

The show was a great hit on the TV… it never really aired..
